Here are five advertising techniques bakery owners can do without logging in to Facebook or Twitter:

1. Open Doors and Windows When It’s Warm

Nothing attracts people to bakeries more than the tantalizing smell of freshly baked doughnuts, breads, cakes, and cookies.

2. Take Advantage of Standing Signs

Advertise daily specials with chalkboard sidewalk signs. Attach balloons to attract attention to signs.

3. In Addition to “Free” Smells, Offer Free Samples

Allowing one customer a free, freshly baked cinnamon roll will likely lead that customer to purchase a dozen cinnamon rolls.

4. Survey Customers Frequently

People love filling out surveys as long as they only take a minute or two of their time.

5. Open On Time

Mornings are rough for most people. When customers know they have freshly baked doughnuts and a hot cup of coffee waiting for them every day, they’ll keep returning–and bring family and friends with them.

Maintaining bakery equipment is especially important to ensure you are open every day and ready to serve customers. Flores Bakery Service provides inspection and maintenance of all types of equipment, so you never have to worry about disappointing and possibly losing customers. Contact us today to learn more about our services and products.